Warm interface board

Note the warm interface board is currently discussed in both the electronics and the DAQ working groups. It will eventually end up in one of these. It is a critical interface from the point of view of reception of fast digital signals from the cold, detector grounding and noise reduction. It could be a critical interface for the DAQ depending on how much of the DAQ functionality goes on it (timing, backpressure, etc.). In the schedule, it is on the critical path for development for ProtoDUNE. At the CERN DAQ meeting, from the DAQ side, we decided to limit it to one of two choices (a) An SBND-like WIB (already in design at BNL) or (b) a lightweight WIB that passed most of the functionally responsibility on to the RCEs (under study at SLAC and UCDavis), with a choice between these two to be made soon. Any changes that the electronics group requires are still possible (but I don’t think there are many). Because of the pressing need to get started, the interface from the WIB to the downstream FELIX DAQ was left for another time – it may be able to utilize whichever of (a) or (b) gets picked, or it may need a respin of the board.


The warm interface board plugs directly into the flange from the cryostat and contains the circuitry to talk with the cold boards inside.


Urgent, it is desired to have working first prototypes ready by July 2016.

Groups/people involved, possible contacts (very tentative right now)

BNL, BU, UCDavies, SLAC, others…

Useful links etc

Try to get some links to slides from past talks by e.g. Jack Fried, Eric Hazen and e.g. Matt Graham talk March 21st Elecronics meeting.

Wiki page

We don't have a wiki website that has authoristion for lots of users yet, so we are using the following shared google-docs page (add once we are on sharepoint and have a password for this page. We want to hear your comments of fixes/additiomns to this page. For now, please E-mail them to Giles, sorry this is not very good.