TPC RCE system


Use the COB/RCE platform for data buffering and processing. Form consortium of groups to realize the RCE DAQ system (Likely SLAC, UC Davis, Oxford, RAL …). Finish discussions and decisions on WIB. Define new RTM and confirm schedule for design and constructing it


We aimed for a first draft of proposal today, but due to illness, it will follow very soon. Must plan to reestablish a vertical slice test once the 35t is over. Version of the hardware must be available at same time as WIB development (Summer 2016). Sufficient electronics to read out one APA ready by January 2017.

Groups/people involved, possible contacts (very tentative right now)


Useful links etc

Matt Graham’s talk March 7th DAQ meeting. CD1-refresh documentation. Others?

Wiki page

ddWe don't have a wiki website that has authoristion for lots of users yet, so we are using the following shared google-docs page (add once we are on sharepoint and have a password for this page. We want to hear your comments of fixes/additiomns to this page. For now, please E-mail them to Giles, sorry this is not very good.