
DAQ toolkit used as the foundation of the DUNE DAQ



Plan upgrade to DAQ for ProtoDUNE, start defining this as soon as the 35t run is finished.

Groups/people involved, possible contacts (very tentative right now)

UK groups working on Board-Reader software to interface our hardware with artDAQ. UK groups involved in software trigger processing. Fermilab group heavily involved in 35t DAQ. More help needed for ProtoDUNE. Fermilab+UKgroups+SLAC involved in realizing DUNE triggering and readout architecture (see CD1-refresh docs). Needs more physicist effort to help develop new features.

Useful links etc

Point at redmine site and some more didactic material

Wiki page

ddWe don't have a wiki website that has authoristion for lots of users yet, so we are using the following shared google-docs page (add once we are on sharepoint and have a password for this page. We want to hear your comments of fixes/additiomns to this page. For now, please E-mail them to Giles, sorry this is not very good.