Slow Control


There are two aspects to slow control (a) Safety and control and (b) Monitoring of DAQ quantities. The choice for (a) and possibly part/all of (b) is the SCALA (formally called PVSS) system, which is the CERN standard.


The first step is to start assembling the team. In parallel with forming the team, we will start to come up with the list of things we need to control and monitor. We should split the aspects that deal with the safety of the experiment (different resilience and redundancy standards to apply) from the control and monitoring of the detector and from the DAQ configuration of the detector (this last part may be dealt with separately, see the User interface and DB section section). When we have the beginnings of a list, we will start to write down the requirements. As the team forms, we will revisit the lists and requirements. It will be very helpful to have both people willing to be leaders of this work, and also people willing to take on a small component of it.

Groups/people involved, possible contacts (very tentative right now)

Useful links etc

Wiki page

ddWe don't have a wiki website that has authoristion for lots of users yet, so we are using the following shared google-docs page (add once we are on sharepoint and have a password for this page. We want to hear your comments of fixes/additiomns to this page. For now, please E-mail them to Giles, sorry this is not very good.