3D Atmospheric Neutrino Fluxes

Details of the calulcation are described in astro-ph/0403630
Details of the format of the files (the same for each version) are given below.
Note the difference in naming convention between the versions: ('sou' is used for Soudan, rather than 'min' for MINOS. This is to allow us to use 'min' and 'max to refer to solar minimum/maximum.)
File format description
The files are the results of the atmospheric neutrino flux calculation performed at Bartol and Oxford during 2002/3. It will be published shortly as G. Barr, T.K. Gaisser, P. Lipari, S. Robbins and T. Stanev. This is a three dimensional calculation using the TARGET2.1 generator (see Gaisser et al ICRC Hamburg) and the same primary cosmic ray fluxes as the 1D calculation (Agrawal et al (1996)). Bending of secondaries in the magnetic field of the earth is included in this calculation.
Fluxes are dN/d(logE) given in units of /m**2/steradian/sec. (logE means natural logarithm). They are given in neutrino energy bins and (using separate tables) in either cos(zenith) bins or azimuth angle bins. For the time being, we are supplying two sets of tables, one with 10 bins per decade in log(E) and the other with 20 bins per decade. Please comment on which of these is more suitable or if we can change to a different set of bins to make incorporation into your experiment analysis easier.

(note that to compare the 20 bin per decade files to that of the FLUKA group, there is an additional /GeV in the units of the Fluka group files - multiply their data by the energy in GeV to be equivalent)

The files all have the same format. After the initial comment lines (starting with a # character), the files contain one line per bin. No smoothoing between bins has been done. The columns are

  1. Energy at centre of bin in GeV
  2. Zenith files: Cos(zenith) at the centre of the bin
    Azimuth files: Azimuth at centre of bin (degrees)
  3. Flux dN/dlogE in /m**2/steradian/sec
  4. MC statistical error on the flux
  5. Number of unweighted events entering in the bin (not too useful)
The format specifier used to write the files is (1X,2F10.3,2G20.8,I10)

E-mail (replace spaces by dots) g barr1(at)physics ox ac uk