Dear Dr Lester and Dr Barr,

I was very interested to read your fine pre-print article on the search 
for direct Heffalon production at the LHC this April. At the Science Museum 
we consider this to be such a significant piece of work that we would like 
to feature it in the upcoming Collider exhibition, which opens this November.

With your permission, the pre-print would be included attached to a 
pin-board in a section of the exhibition which is constructed to look like 
an institute office at CERN. Since the exhibition will run for sixth months 
in London, before touring a number of international venues, I hope this 
would bring wider attention to your excellent efforts in this under-
investigated area of the field.

Please let me know if you are happy for us to use your paper in this way.

Best wishes


Dr. Harry Cliff

Science Museum Fellow
The Science Museum
Exhibition Road, London SW7 2DD
Tel +44 (0)20 7942 4794  Mobile +44 (0)7793 224 376