macro f2plot_x * Macro to plot F2 versus x in bins of Q2. The Q2 bins are specified in the vector * q2p(12). Data points are also plotted, and are adjusted according to the * parameterisation of F2 read into vector f2p. Code provides an example of using * routine f2qcdfine.f * Initialisation for/file 66 meta 66 -111 vec/del * ve/cr f2v(161,161) r ve/cr f2p(161,161) r ve/cr f2up(161,161) r ve/cr f2dn(161,161) r ve/read f2p,f2up,f2dn ~cooper/qcdnum/gluon_tr_tot.dat *ve/cr q2p(12) r 1.0 20. ve/cr q2p(12) r 1.0 2.5 7. 20. 200. *ve/cr q2p(12) r 1.0 1.0 1.3 1.5 1.8225 2.0 7. 20. 200. ve/cr q2pass(1) ve/cr q2val(1) r ve/cr q2low(1) r ve/cr q2high(1) r ve/cr result(1) r ve/cr f2tmp(1) r ve/cr xe(1) r 0. set xwin 0.001 set ywin 0.001 set xsiz 20 set ysiz 25 zon 2 2 *do i=1,2 do i=1,5 if [i].eq.2 .or. [i].eq.4 then set xval 0 else set xval 1000 endif if [i].ge.2 then set yval 0 else set yval 1000 endif if [i].eq.1 then * exec key else q2=q2p([i]) exec curves [q2] * exec points [q2] opt linx null 0 1 0 1 'abs' text 0.95 0.65 Q^2!=[q2]GeV^2! 0.3 ! r if [i].eq.1 .or. [i].eq.3 then atitle ' ' '' endif if [i].ge.2 then atitle 'x' endif opt linx endif enddo close 66 return macro curves ve/input q2val(1) [1] * Plot curves *opt linx *opt logy *null 0. 0.99 2e-3 10. opt logx opt liny *null 3e-5 0.99 0. 0.8 null 3e-5 0.99 0. 25. *null 3e-5 0.99 0.5 1.5 *opt linx *opt liny *null 0. 1.0 -0.2 1.2 set lwid 3 ve/copy q2val(1) q2pass(1) ve/copy f2p f2v fun/plot f2qcdfine.f 3e-5 0.99 's' ve/copy q2val(1) q2pass(1) ve/copy f2up f2v fun/plot f2qcdfine.f 3e-5 0.99 's' ve/copy q2val(1) q2pass(1) ve/copy f2dn f2v fun/plot f2qcdfine.f 3e-5 0.99 's' *close 66 return macro key opt linx null 0 1 0 1 'ab' set dmod 1 line 0.16 0.3 0.25 0.3 text 0.30 0.3 'parton qcdnum' 0.3 *close 66 return