% % definitions for dis book - version 10/8/00 % contains the G Cowan citation fudge commands at the end % \def\etal{\mbox{\it et al.\ }} \def\JB{{\rm JB}} \def\qb{\bar{\rm q}} \def\rb{\bar{\rm r}} \def\bb{\bar{\rm b}} \def\gb{\bar{\rm g}} \def\ub{\bar{\rm u}} \def\db{\bar{\rm d}} \def\sb{\bar{\rm s}} \def\pb{\bar{\rm p}} \def\qr{{\rm q}} \def\rr{{\rm r}} \def\br{{\rm b}} \def\gr{{\rm g}} \def\ur{{\rm u}} \def\dr{{\rm d}} \def\sr{{\rm s}} \def\pr{{\rm p}} \def\bfb{{\bf b}} \def\bfk{{\bf k}} \def\bfp{{\bf p}} \def\bfq{{\bf q}} \def\bfr{{\bf r}} \def\bfv{{\bf v}} \def\bfx{{\bf x}} \def\aqed{\alpha_{qed}} \def\aa{\alpha} \def\am{\alpha_\mu} \def\a0{\alpha_0} \def\as{\alpha_S} \def\asb{\bar{\alpha}_S} \def\asq{\alpha_S(Q^2)} \def\sh{\hat{\sigma}} \def\tr{{\rm Tr\,}} \newcommand{\MSB}{\mbox{$\overline{\rm MS}$}} %------------------------------------------------ \def\asl{\raise.15ex\hbox{/}\kern-.57em a} \def\bsl{\raise.15ex\hbox{/}\kern-.57em b} \def\csl{\raise.15ex\hbox{/}\kern-.57em c} \def\dsl{\raise.15ex\hbox{/}\kern-.57em d} \def\psl{\raise.15ex\hbox{/}\kern-.57em p} \def\ksl{\raise.15ex\hbox{/}\kern-.57em k} \def\qsl{\raise.15ex\hbox{/}\kern-.57em q} \def\ppsl{\raise.15ex\hbox{/}\kern-.57em p'} \def\kpsl{\raise.15ex\hbox{/}\kern-.57em k'} \def\qpsl{\raise.15ex\hbox{/}\kern-.57em q'} \def\ptlsl{\raise.15ex\hbox{/}\kern-.57em \partial} %------------------------------------------------- \newcommand{\leqsim}{\,\raisebox{-0.6ex}{$\buildrel < \over \sim$}\,} \newcommand{\geqsim}{\,\raisebox{-0.6ex}{$\buildrel > \over \sim$}\,} %---------------------------------------------------- % hep-ph etc macro \def\arxiv#1#2{[hep-#1/#2]} % A useful Journal macro \def\Journal#1#2#3{{#1} {\bf #2} {#3}} % Some useful journal names \def\RMP{\it Rev. Mod. Phys.} \def\RPP{\it Rep. Prog. Phys.} \def\PRP{\it Phys. Rep.} \def\IJMPA{{\it Intl. J. Mod. Phys.} A} \def\NIM{\it Nucl. Instr. Meth.} \def\NIMA{{\it Nucl. Instr.. Meth.} A} \def\CPC{\it Comp. Phys. Comm.} \def\NPB{{\it Nucl. Phys.} B} \def\NPA{{\it Nucl. Phys.} A} \def\PLB{{\it Phys. Lett.} B} \def\MPLA{{\it Mod. Phys. Lett.} A} \def\PRL{\it Phys. Rev. Lett.} \def\PRD{{\it Phys. Rev.} D} \def\PR{{\it Phys. Rev.}} \def\PRC{{\it Phys. Rev.} C} \def\ZPC{{\it Z. Phys.} C} \def\EPJC{{\it Eur. Phys. J.} C} \def\JPG{{\it J. Phys.} G.} \def\JETP{\it Sov. Phys. JETP} \def\SJNP{\it Sov. J. Nucl. Phys.} %------------------------------------------------ % % end of defs % % new commands from G Cowan for getting around citation problem % \newcommand{\rdcite}[1]{[#1]} \newcommand{\bibit}[2]{\noindent \makebox[1.5cm]{#1} \hfill \parbox[t]{10cm}{#2} \vspace{0.2cm}} % %---------------------------------------------------------------