E: notes on Atlas Luminosity

References: A lot of my notes are now in the ATLAS TWiki(s):

Note: Some of the notes below are out of date !!

sections of this web page

  • TWiki > AtlasProtected Web > AtlasPhysics | Physics Coordination Indico



    - Every first Thursday of the month - presentations
      (except for May Day, meeting moved to May 8)
    - Every third Thursday of the month - coordination group


    1. TWiki:Luminosity Working Group - used for 
       - general project description
       - plans
       - to do list
    2. Hypernews
       - used to answer questions of general interest to the collaboration.
    3. Luminosity Group email list in Samba (with archiving)
       for more technical details discussed among the Luminosity Group members
       and other experts.

    Major tasks (subgroups):

    Relevant questions and issues

    What machine parameters are available ?  How is it structured ?
    How are 'machine parameters' stored by the LHC ?
    Are all parameters relevant to ATLAS ?  with uncertainties ?
    What tools are available to obtain/transfer this information for ATLAS?
    How does the temporal structure of the machine parameters 
    map onto ATLAS IOV (in time and/or Run-lumi block) 
    Jim Cook has put DCS information into COOL. can similar mechanisms be used
    to put LHC machine parameters into COOL?
    COOL must store some combination of 
        instantaneous luminosity
        delivered luminosity 
    by Run/Lumiblock in COOL.
    For now, put into TRIGGER/LUMI/LBLEST/
    OnlineLumi_del  - 
    OnlineLumi_inst - 
    LiveFraction    - fraction of duration when L1 accept not inhibited.
        The Lumi task force specifies triggers may be split into a 
            high priority and a low priority set.  
        It is logical that this flag come from Trigger DB -- 
            is it implemented?
        Where would it appear in the trigger configuration xml file ?
    Bunch to bunch information will also be required - the level at which it might
        be needed/used in general physics analysis is unknown
        (analysis dependent, depends on variation in bunch density
    make sure the BCID of recorded events are distributed as expected, 
        proportional to the bunch population (?) - 
        Look for stream, trigger, priority, prescale dependence.
    Run Coordination issues.
      run_type = physics - current data is but is not
      number of simultaneous physics runs
    There's nothing in Monte Carlo about luminosity.
    Event header has BCID, but nothing else.  
    A quick and dirty instantaneous luminosity might be useful.

    Luminosity Notes

    Beam Gas == residual gas molecules The cs(pp) = cs(sdiff) + cs(ddiff) + cs(hard core = non-diffractive), dominated by nd in the central region. inelastic 46 mb includes sd 9mb (dd rate is less probable).

    talk to Michael

    The beam shape is gaussian with long flat tails. Halo is never 1 particle. The main source of halo is the flat tails scraping anywhere Halo comes from the back of the detector so the best place to see it is in the far forward region just outside the detector. Emmittance gets bigger when beams collide (dispersion in both position and momentum due to charge effects). This effect will be bigger at the LHC Particles kicked to lower momentum (energy) fall into the tails. This effect gets larger as the fill ages. Halo or minbias ? Coincidence can be in time halo from both directions (looks like mb). D0 could not unambiguously distinguish between them online. Offline, analysis of the time from each wedge could be used to study the overlap rate and determine the corrections to the scalars for overcounting and undercounting

    overcounting and undercounting:

    D0: Methods (ATLAS):

    my ATLAS notes

    Ways to measure luminosity: Beam Spot, position, profile - useful to accelerator ? centroid easy. tilt and width as f(z) need more stats. beam position may drift during the run needed by b-tag (impact parameter) CDF used impact parameter vs phi technique using L2 tracks L2 (4000) - 25hz per process which tracks to use (what chain?) calculate a 'running average' beam spot in each L2 processing node EF - a few seconds,

    Chain of command:

    some notes from meetings

    some ATLAS Luminosity Documents


    Provenance (Noun) Where something originated or was nurtured 
             in its early existence;
    Scalar - (adj) directionless magnitude; 
             (noun) variable quantity that cannot be resolved into components.
    Scaler - electronic pulse counter used to count pulses that occur 
             too rapidly to be recorded individually.
    Verses - plural of verse: piece of poetry, metrical text, literacture in metrical form.
    Versus - Against; as, John Doe versus Richard Roe; abbreviated to v. or vs.


    TWiki hickups, edit page time-outs and other factors caused me to loose sections of documentation typed over hours or days. Now I edit a unix file and cut/paste that into TWiki-editor, saving previous edits by date in my unix directory.

    If you get this message, TWiki you may have just lost everything you wrote.

    I am entering data into the following TWiki pages (link to local latest copy):

    Elizabeth Gallas (ATLAS)
    Last modified: Fri May 28 12:32:25 BST 2010