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FUNCTION statements

They are similar to subroutines and all the discussion of arguments set out in section 13.2 applies to them. They differ from subroutines in two respects, they are not called with an explicit CALL statement and they return a value independent of the argument list. A function DOT that calculates the scalar product of two vectors is illustrated below:-
        DIMENSION V1(3),V2(3)
100     PROD=DOT(V1,V2)
C       Calculate the scalar product of A and B
        DIMENSION A(3),B(3)
        DO 10 I=1,3
10      DOT=DOT+A(I)*B(I)

Statement 100 in MAIN might, at first glance, appear to be the assignment of an array element of an array DOT to a variable PROD. However there is no DIMENSION statement for DOT so FORTRAN knows it cannot be an array and generates a call to the function DOT instead. Function DOT finds the scalar product of the two vectors passed to it and stores the result in a local variable with the same name as the function. When it returns the value in the local variable DOT is passed back to the calling routine and statement 100 continues with the construction DOT(V1,V2) replaced by the function value. In general, a function can have any number of arguments of any type but, unlike a subroutine, must have at least one (for otherwise FORTRAN would not be able to recognise the function call). A function can modify its arguments but it is not good practice to do so - the idea of a function is that it returns a single value which is dependent on its input arguments. FUNCTIONS can return any type of data. For reals and integers the function name can rely on the implicit I,J,K,L,M,N rule, but other types i.e. logical and character must explicitly declare their type both in the calling routine and in the FUNCTION statement. For example:-

        IF (TEST(A,B)) PRINT *,'B is greater than A'
C       See if second argument is greater than the first

This example also shows a function call being used as the value of a logical expression within a logical IF. Indeed a function call may be used wherever an expression of the same type is valid. This includes arguments to other function calls so all the following statements are legal:-

    IF (X.GT.DOT(V1,V2)) GOTO 100
    IF (TEST(DOT(VI,V2),DOT(V2,V3)) GOTO 200

Exercise 16

Write a function CALC(A,OP,B) that takes two real arguments A and B and a 1 character string OP that should have one of the 4 values '+','-','*',or '/', indicating the way A and B are to be combined to produce the value to be returned. E.g. CALC (2.0,'+',3.5) would return 5.5. Write a MAIN routine to test it and show that even the construction :-

is legal!
* * *
Functions may call subroutines and vice versa. Just as with subroutines the user has many ready made functions at his or her disposal. See section 19 for more details.
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