Computing Topics: The Experimental HEP Context

This document web builds on the Introductory Computing Manual and, unlike Particle Physics Linux Systems and Central IT Services , contains information which is not restricted to information specific to Oxford or to one operating system.

The flow diagram below represents a typical HEP experiment, from the operation of the detector to the publication of results. At each step there are issues of Software Development, Data Processing and Communication. See also the lecture Application Overview You can also look for help on computing topics based on the type of software

                                       Monte Carlo                  DAQ                               
                                    (event simulation)        (data acquisition)                      
                                           |                         |                                
                                       /   v                         v   \                            
                                      /    |                         |    \                           
                                     /     +------------+------------+     \                          
                                    /                   |                   \                         
                                   /                    v                    \                        
                                  /                     |                     \                       
                                 /                +------------+               \                      
                                /                 |  Raw Data  |                \                     
                               /                  +------------+                 \                    
                              /                         |                         \                   
                             /                          v                          \                  
                            /                           |                           \                 
                           /                      Reconstruction                     \                
                          /                     (turning detector                     \               
                         /                       output into events)                   \              
                        /                               |                               \             
              Software Development                      v                          Data Processing    
       (writing, debugging and managing)                |                          (running jobs)   
                        \                    +--------------------+                     /              
                         \                   |  Physics Data Set  |                    /               
                          \                  +--------------------+                   /                
                           \                            |                            /                 
                            \                           v                           /                  
                             \                          |                          /                   
                              \                     Analysis                      /                    
                               \                   (extracting                   /                     
                                \                     physics)                  /                      
                                 \                      |                      /                       
                                  \                     v                     /                        
                                   \                    |                    /                         
                                    \           +-----------------+         /                          
                                     \          | Physics Results |        /                           
                                      \         +-----------------+       /                            
                                       \                |                /                             
                                        \               v               /                              
                                         \              |              /                               
                                          \         Publication       /
                                           \    (reporting results)  / 
                                            \                       /
                                             \                     /
                                              \                   /
                                               (using the network)  

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Last modified: Mon Oct 11 19:05:31 BST 2004